The most efficient way to manage Kindle books category?


I have about 500 books on my Kindle, I store all of them on my Kindle because I like to find a book to read at any time.

In fact, when I had more than 200 books, it became so inefficient that I couldn’t stand it anymore. I’d like to sort all my books, but is there a more efficient way to spend your time on a Kindle?

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Asked on February 2, 2019 2:36 pm
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1. If your Kindle has been jailbroken, you can use Calibre plugin to manage the category. Here is a detailed guide post:

2. Log in Amazon official site, go to My content and devices, there you can manage the collections (it is what you call "category") on the webpages, the result will sync to your Kindle automatically.

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Posted by Anonymous
Answered on February 2, 2019 2:40 pm
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