Get A Better Grip On Your e-Reader

Imagine you’re in the middle of a thrilling book and you just cannot put it down. You’re engrossed reading and suddenly, without you noticing, the book falls out of your hands and on the ground. Not a big problem, if it’s just a paperback. But it’s definitely a different matter if it’s a Kindle device!

Gone are the days of trudging through libraries and struggling with holding up a hardbound book to read. With the advent of e-readers like Kindle, Kobo and also iPad minis, the portability of books in the form of e-books has drastically changed the reading habits across the world. So now, you can simply switch on a Kindle and browse through the thousands of books that can be stored there, and carry it in your travels. But on the flip side, the constant pressure of holding the e-reader in our hands for an extended period of time makes this very experience difficult.

The reason behind the discomfort is that the e-reading devices have a weight of their own. Also, they have a particular dimension which you’d need to balance in order to hold it in one hand and flip the pages with the other. Hence, when you hold it in your hands for too long, your hand experiences a fatigue and the chances of you dropping the device increases. There are also instances when the device accidentally slips out of your hands because you were careless. Or if you’ve had nerve related injuries or suffer from arthritis or multiple sclerosis, holding an e-reading device in your hand is going to be quite strenuous. What you need is a support which will prevent such hand fatigue and give you a good grip on your devices, without making you strain.

And that is where LAZY-HANDS Thumbs-free grips come in! These revolutionary grips were created by Colorado inventor, Christine Potter who was frustrated with the lack of suitable products in the market to help her get better grips on her mobile devices. LAZY-HANDS Grips are patented thumbs-free grips for e-readers. The grips attach to the back of the device or its case and allow the user to comfortably and securely handle the device with just one hand without dropping it. These grips are of the finest quality and are handcrafted in America. And with these you can get a good grip on a lot more than electronic devices – like your heavy protein powder jar, for instance!

If you’re an ardent Kindle user, then LAZY-HANDS Thumbs-free grips will be your best friend for an excellent and drop-free reading experience! These thumbs free grips are available in multiple other variants for mobile phones and large tablets as well! You can browse through the extensive product line on and save 15% on their website using the discount coupon code EPALACE until 7/30/2017. Choose the one-grip styles if you don’t switch hands. Choose from the two-grips styles if you are ambidextrous and switch hands a lot. Installs in seconds and an excellent aid for arthritis sufferers, stroke patients, hand therapy patients and those living with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve-related injuries to accomplish activities of daily living.

If you prefer to shop on, LAZY-HANDS Grips are available there, too.

LAZY-HANDS 4-Loop Grips (x2 Grips) for e-Readers – FITS MOST (Black) (Electronics)

List Price:$20.99 USD
New From:$17.99 USD In Stock
Used from: Out of Stock

LAZY-HANDS Heavy-Duty 3-Loop Grip (x1 grip) for e-Readers – XL (Black) (Electronics)

List Price:$16.99 USD
New From:$13.99 USD In Stock
Used from: Out of Stock

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