Kindle Paperwhite 3 or KPW4? What are the main differences?


I am planning to buy a Kindle, now I am hesitating between KPW3 and KPW4. Can you tell me what are the main differences and which one should I buy?

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Asked on January 13, 2019 4:19 pm
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I will answer this question pretty straightly.

KPW4: Waterproof, storage is bigger.
KPW3: Cheaper.

So the answer is clear, if you are not care of the price gap, choose the latest generation, Kindle Paperwhite 4.
If you won't take Kindle near water and won't store over 1,000 books in your Kindle, just choose Kindle Paperwhite 3.

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Posted by Anonymous
Answered on January 13, 2019 4:24 pm
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