1st gen Paperwhite vs Voyage?


I have a first generation Paperwhite. Would I notice a noticeable improvement in speed by upgrading to the Voyage? I’ve seen a bunch of videos comparing the (I think) second generation Paperwhite with the Voyage, and the speed boost doesn’t seem that remarkable.

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Asked on March 18, 2015 1:56 pm
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I went from PW1 to Voyage and I didn’t see a real change in speed, but then I never really paid attention to the speed of changing pages. However I noticed HUGE differences in image quality.
Instead of having light and shadow spots across my screen when reading in the dark it’s a smooth glow across the whole screen. The text is MUCH sharper and darker. The flush bezel and side press instead of tap makes a much better reading experience. I swear when I shipped off my old PW1 to my sister I felt bad for her.

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Answered on March 18, 2015 2:03 pm
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