Can you sync your reading progress between 2 kindles for all books?


I’m thinking about getting a paperwhite in addition to my kindle touch, and I’d be sharing it with someone. The plan would be to keep the paperwhite for dark bedroom reading at night mostly while the older kindle would go with whoever was taking it out with them.

I think kindles have a page-sync feature, right? So that if you get 20 pages ahead on one kindle, that’ll be reflected when you pick up the other? Does this work for books even they are not bought from Amazon?

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Asked on March 24, 2015 8:42 am
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All bought Amazon books will sync the reading progress.

For the books not bought from Amazon, they won’t be synced. If you want to sync the progress, then just send those books to your Kindle cloud, all books saved in Kindle cloud will sync reading progress.

In addition, you can turn off the sync feature. Then no matter where the book come from, they all won’t be synced.

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Answered on March 24, 2015 8:44 am
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