eReader Palace

Read Kindle Books on Kobo

is undoubtedly the dominator of eBook and eReader industry. But not everyone wants Kindle just like not everyone wants Apple or Android phone. Except Kindle, we have some alternative options, like Nook, Kobo and Sony reader. Since Sony quits North-America and devotes less and less on eReaders, B&N also has many problems in their eBooks and eReaders business. In this situation, Kobo is the best choice besides Kindle.

On the other hand, we all should admit Kindle store has larger capacity of eBooks account and lower price. And sometimes we receive Amazon Gift card as present.

Here comes the problem. If we are using Kobo reader but buying eBooks from Amazon Kindle store. Can we read Kindle books on Kobo? The answer is YES. And we can do it with two simple steps.

1. Use Freeware Calibre to Convert Kindle books to EPUB

Please read this guide post about converting Kindle books to EPUB, it covers almost all the aspects of the conversion.

2. Transfer EPUB to Kobo

Connect Kobo to computer with USB cable and transfer the converted EPUB file to Kobo’s storage.

If you do not know how to find the converted EPUB file, please click the “click to open” to open the folder, as the image below.

Some Notes