eReader Palace

How to Change eBook Cover for Kindle or other eBooks

In all these years eBook reading experience, I would like to change the book’s cover in 2 situation.

  1. I have a serie of books, but one of them has a different style of cover art from other books. That drives me crazy as I am the one who has slightly perfectionism.
  2. The edition I get has a low quality cover, like a blur image or simply looks ugly. If another edition of the book has a nicer cover, I will be eagerly to change the cover.

In this post I am going to recommend you a free tool to replace an eBook’s cover as you want.

1. Download the swiss army knife of eBook software – Calibre.

2. Load in the books, if your books are DRM protected, you need to remove the DRM at first. I will cover the DRM decryption topic in coming days, if you are interested in it, just search “remove drm” in the search box.

3. Right click on the book’s title, and choose “Edit metadata — “Edit metadata individually”, you will see an area called “Change Cover”.

4. You can let Calibre auto-download a cover from internet for you, or you can also replace the cover with your downloaded image by browsing in the file explorer.

5. This is the key-step, you must convert the book to make sure the new cover information has been writen in your book file, but not only in Calibre’s library database. Even if you do not want to change the format, you also need to convert it to the same format again. Says the book is originally an EPUB file, you will need to convert it to EPUB again.

6. Afer the conversion process finished, you can see the original file has been renamed, and you can easily figure out which one is the file you newly converted. It has the cover image you want.

Now you have this book’s cover changed, but you need notice that for some Kindle books, the new cover image might now be shown in device, this problem is caused by the eBook file’s codes, which cannot be solved at the moment.

However, we have done all what we done, right? By this method we can have the new cover displayed in most of cases.