eReader Palace

FAQ about Different Countries Amazon Kindle Stores Accounts

When we buy a Kindle, the first thing we will do is register (or login) our Amazon account. But many Kindle user are confused by the countries limitations, like whether a Kindle bought from Amazon US is able to be registered with a UK Amazon account, or if a Kindle can be registered to different Amazon accounts at the same time.

With this post I will provide answers to most frequently asked questions about the different Kindle and Amazon store accounts.

Can I read my Kindle books across different Amazon stores?

Let’s take Amazon US and Amazon UK as example. The two regions Amazon stores are independent. In other words, if you have bought Kindle books with Amazon US account, you are not able to read them on a Kindle registered with Amazon UK account.

Can I register my Kindle with different Amazon store accounts?

One Kindle can only be registered with one Amazon store account at the same time. If you register your Kindle with Amazon US account, you can only browse Amazon US store, buy and read books in Amazon US store.

Can I register Amazon UK account on a Kindle bought from Amazon US?

Yes of course, no matter where you bought a Kindle from. You can register it with any Amazon store’s account. (As long as this Amazon store has Kindle business)

Can I use the same account and password in different Amazon stores?

Yes you can use the same account and password in both Amazon US and Amazon UK (or any other Amazon store). On a Kindle, it will detect your device language to tell which store you are logging in. On Kindle for desktop reading app, you can choose which Amazon store in a drop-down list.

How to buy books from other Amazon stores?

I suppose the scenario is you have a Kindle bought from Amazon US and want to buy a book from Amazon UK. You need to meet these 3 requirements.

  1. You need to register an Amazon UK account with valid UK address information.
  2. You’d better use a VPN to switch your IP to UK.
  3. You have a credit card which can check out in Amazon UK store. (Or you can also buy Amazon UK credit card)

How can I read Amazon UK book on an Amazon US Kindle?

You need to strip the DRM of the Amazon UK book and transfer it to Amazon US Kindle.

If I switch my Kindle’s account from Amazon US to Amazon UK, will my US books be gone?

The US book remain in your Kindle and you can read them as usual. But the new reading page record, highlights and notes will be synced to your Amazon US account, until you switch it back.


If you have more questions about this issue, please address them in comment and I will answer you.