eReader Palace

4 Must-Have Plugins to Install After Jailbreaking Kindle

Before reading this post, please make sure your Kindle is already jailbroken.

To install those hacking plugins is the top goal for us to jailbreak Kindle, in this post I list 4 “must-have” plugins for jailbroken Kindle.

These plugins suit Kindle Touch / PW1 / PW2 / KT2 / KV / PW3 / KO / KT3. And please jailbreak your Kindle before installing the plugins.


KUAL(Kindle Unified Application Launcher) is a plugin launcher. By installing KUAL, you can download or create your own Kindle plugin and launch it by KUAL. KOReader is one of the most famous plugin which must be launched by KUAL.

Install steps:

  1. Connect Kindle to computer with USB
  2. Download “” and unzip it
  3. If your Kindle is running firmware version 5.0 and later, please copy the KUAL-KDK-2.0.azw2 file into Kindle’s documents folder.
  4. If your Kindle is running firmware version lower than 5.0, please copy the KUAL-KDK-1.0.azw2 file into Kindle’s documents path.
  5. Safely eject Kindle from computer, then you can see Kindle Launcher.


For 8th generation Kindle (Kindle Oasis and Kindle Touch 3), you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install MRPI (MR Package Installer)
  2. Connect Kindle to computer with USB
  3. Download “” and unzip it
  4. Copy the Update_KUALBooklet_v*_install.bin file into Kindle’s mrpackages folder.
  5. Safely eject Kindle from computer, go to Kindle’s home screen.
  6. Open Kindle’s search bar, input “;log mrpi” (without quote marks), and wait for MRPI to install KUAL.
  7. When everything finishes, you will see KUAL in your library.

MobileRead Package Installer (MRPI)

Recent Kindle firmware versions don’t allow users to install plugins with .bin files, so MRPI born. Now we can install Kindle plugins with MRPI. download

Install steps:

  1. Connect Kindle to computer with USB
  2. Download “” and unzip it
  3. Copy the “extensions” and “mrpackages” folders into Kindle’s root path
  4. Safely eject Kindle from computer, you will find MRPI in KUAL’s Helper menu


Koreader helps your read EPUB books on Kindle, that’s many Kindle owners’ wish for years. Another important feature is, it will re-format a PDF book (even for scanned PDF file). The re-formatted PDF book will suit your Kindle screen pretty well, with Koreader you needn’t to zoom-in and zoom-out on PDF files anymore. download

Install steps:

  1. Make sure you’ve installed KUAL and MRPI
  2. Connect Kindle to computer with USB
  3. Download “” and unzip it
  4. Copy the “update_kpvbooklet_xxx_install.bin” file into Kindle’s “mrpackages” folder.
  5. Safely eject Kindle from computer
  6. Go to Kindle Launcher, press “Helper” –> “Install MR Packages”
  7. Kpvbooklet will be installed and Kindle will reboot.
  8. Download “” and unzip it, you will get two folders: “extensions” and “koreader”
  9. Copy all the files from unzipped “extensions” folder into Kindle’s “extensions” folder.
  10. Copy “koreader” folder to Kindle’s root path.
  11. Then you can launch Koreader from KUAL

ScreenSavers Hack

Notice: The ScreenSavers hack won’t work on Kindle with special offers. This is Amazon’s bottom line, we pay less for the special offer edition, if we can bypass it by jailbreaking, Amazon would block all the doors to Kindle jailbreak.

By default we can’t set Kindle’s screensaver as we want, instead Kindle displays some built-in images or advertisements for Kindle books. By installing the ScreenSavers Hack plugin, you can freely change your Kindle’s screensaver image.

Notice this plugin onlu supports Kindle Touch/PW1/PW2/KT2/KV/PW3/KOA/KT3

kindle-linkss-0.24.N-r13390.tar.xz download

Install steps:

  1. Make sure you’ve installed KUAL and MRPI
  2. Connect Kindle to computer with USB
  3. Download “kindle-linkss-0.24.N-r13390.tar.xz” and unzip it, copy the “Update_linkss_0.24.N_install_pw2_kt2_kv_pw3.bin” file into Kindle’s “mrpackages” folder.
  4. If you are using KPW1 or Kindle Touch, please copy “Update_linkss_0.24.N_install_touch_pw.bin” file.
  5. Safely eject Kindle from computer, open Kindle Launcher, press “Helper” –> “Install MR Packages”.
  6. Screensavers hack will be installed and Kindle will reboot.
  7. Connect Kindle to comptuer again, there will be a folder called “linkss” in Kindle’s root path.
  8. Put the images into “linkss” folder, they will be your Kindle’s new screensavers.


You need to name these images as bg_ss00.png、bg_ss01.png … bg_ss9.png

And these images should be saved as specific format and size.

  • Touch / KT2 / KT3: PNG, 600*800
  • KPW / KPW2: PNG, 758*1024
  • KV / KPW3 / KO: PNG, 1072*1448


There are some other popular plugins like Font Hack plugin, in my private point view, I don’t recommend you install it. Amazon has already provided many wonderful fonts and they are keeping offering more new fonts. Install the font hack plugin is also more complex than any of above.

Other plugins like SSH, USB Network, etc.. They are way more complex and mainly aim to developers, so I also don’t list them as “must-have”.

All the plugins are from mobileread forum, you can get more plugins on this thread