How to Rename your Registered Kindle and Kindle Reading App?

How to Rename your Registered Kindle and Kindle Reading App?

If we want to buy Kindle books from Kindle device or Kindle reading app, we need to register with our Amazon account at first. By default the Kindle device’s name is [Your Amazon profile name]’s Kindle, for example, Jim’s Kindle. And the reading app’s name will be like Jim’s iPhone. For now it’s OK. What if you have read Kindle books for years? I bet your registered devices and apps list will be a...

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11 Tools Every Kindle Owner Will Wish They Knew Sooner

11 Tools Every Kindle Owner Will Wish They Knew Sooner

1. IceCream eBook Reader for Desktop | Windows and Mac We don’t have much choices for desktop eBooks reading softwares, fortunately, we have IceCream eBook Reader. With this software you can make highlights and notes, search the entire book, translate, and nice supporting for manga and comics. 2. Check Kindle Highlights in Better Layout – Kindle Beautiful Kindle Beautiful is a new-born tool for Kindle users, actually it’s...

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