eReader Palace

List of Sites to Download Free eBooks

There are many free eBook sites on the internet, buy part of them are not reliable, even containing piracy books. To recommend you some stable and reliable sites to get free eBooks, I complied this list. They provide not only Kindle books, but also EPUB and PDF books.

If you also have some good resources, please comment in this post and I will add it into the list.

This list updates randomly, please leave a comment if you find any error.

1. Project Gutenberg

Providing Mobi, EPUB, PDF and some other eBooks formats downloadings. Project Gutenberg is the first digital library, it offers large amount of public domain eBooks.

2. Adelaide University

You can search by Author, Title, Genre, adding time and keywords in Adelaide University eBooks library. You can read the eBooks online or download the books in EPUB, Mobi and other formats. Notice, you need to click on the “Kindle” to download the eBook file which is accepted by Kindle.

3. Baen Free Library

Mainly providing free Sci-Fi and fantasy books. Both reading online and downloading to local are available. They offer these downloading formats: Mobi, EPUB, PDF, HTML, RTF, Sony, Microsoft.

4. DigiLibraries

An online library offering over 20,000 free eBooks, including Mobi, EPUB, PDF.

5. epubBooks

Providing high-quality EPUB and Mobi books in public domains, many of them contain images and footnotes. You need to register an account for downloading eBooks.

6. Girlebooks

Free books written by female authors, providing PRC (for Kindle), EPUB, PDF, LRF, PDF and TXT formats.

7. MobileRead(For MOBI)

The free books sub-forum in MobileRead, this part is focusing on Mobi books, you can download without registration, and the books are all legal to get without charge.

8. MobileRead(For EPUB)

Like the link above, but for EPUB books.

9. SaltTiger

Mainly provide IT and computer non-fiction eBooks, and most of them are published by O’Reilly, you can get Mobi, PDF, EPUB formats from this site.

10. BookDL

BookDL is the website to download free English eBooks, currently it has thousands of high-quality eBooks while keeps enlarging. At the moment, most of the books are about computer and IT, however, you can also find the books about Art, Film, Cook, Health, etc.. You need to notice that this site stores books in cloud drive, so you can only download limited books in a period of time.

11. Top Shelf Book

A Pinterest-like blog which updates new free books everyday, for each book you can download EPUB or Mobi format for free, and the books are hosted on ZippyShare. Being a subscriber you can submit your request for an eBook.