How to install Flash Player on Fire Phone

When we surf the internet, many contents are provided via Flash Player, like video/music player and webpage games. According to a survey, over 90% Facebook games are provided via Flash, including Candy Crash Saga. But unfortunately, Amazon Fire Phone doesn’t support Flash Player, so does Kindle Fire tablet.

Preparations before Installing Flash Player on Fire Phone

Tools needed:

1) Dolphin Browser App

2) Flash Player

At first, please make your Fire Phone enable to install non-Amazon apps, we also call them third-party apps. For detailed guide you can refer to this post’s step 2.

Install Dolphin Browser App on Fire Phone

Because Amazon’s built-in web browser Silk doesn’t support Flash, we need another web browser to achieve the goal. Among all the choices, Dolphin Browser has the best compatibility with Flash, so we choose this app.

The latest version is not the best choice if you want to get Flash supported on Fire Phone, so please do not directly install it from Amazon App Store.

Instead, please download an old version 8.5.1 from this link: (if you are typing the url in Fire Phone’s browser, please notice the case, the bitly url is case-sensitive). If you do not know how to install an app out of official app store, please also refer to this post.

install dolphin browser on fire phone

 Download and Install Fire Phone Flash Player

Besides Dolphin Browser, you also need a flash player in extra.

Please download flash player app from this link:, if you are not familiar with Dolphin Browser, I would recommend you continue to use Fire Phone’s built-in browser to visit this link.

download flash player for fire phone

By visiting the link you are seeing the webpage as the image above.

Both of the two button are valid, but in my tests, the first yellow will jump to another website and you need to some extra clicks to download the apk file. While the blue button lets you directly download the apk file.

Then install the newly downloaded apk file just like how you installed Dolphin Browser.

install flash player for fire phone

The Final Shot: Settings of Dolphin Browser

Here comes the final step.

Launch Dolphin Browser, then you need to accept some terms of use, when it comes to “Favorite Settings” screen, please customize the settings like below:

Flash Support: Always On (Recommended)

Perform as: Desktop

Then everything is finished! Let’s check the result, visit YouTube to watch a video, or login Facebook to play Candy Crash Saga.

play flash content on fire phone

Notice: when the web contents need support of Flash Player, your Fire Phone may ask you to use which App to open such a content, please choose “Dolphin Browser“.

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