eReader Palace

How to Change Default Kindle Store Language

Months ago I bought a white color basic Kindle for my wife, which is ordered from Germany Amazon. Here comes the question, we only know English but this Kindle is shipped with Germany language, and the built-in store is Germany Amazon Kindle store.

So I need to change the default Kindle store to the US Kindle store then my wife can use it normally. After some researches, I managed to change the default Kindle store language.

The procedure is pretty simple:

  1. Make sure you are at the home screen. Press the “Settings” icon, then you will enter the settings screen.
  2. At the settings screen, press the “Settings” icon again.
  3. Choose “Reset Device”. (Attention, if you reset the device, all books in the device will be gone, so if there are some sideloaded books saved in your Kindle, you shall make a backup at first)
  4. Wait the Kindle restart, and it will ask you to choose the language.
  5. Choose the language of the Kindle store you want to connect to. For example, if you want to connect to US Kindle store, please choose “English(US)”; if want to connect to Japanese Kindle store, choose “日本語”.
  6. When Kindle finishes the reset job, you will see the default Kindle store at the home screen.

Notice: You shall only buy books from the default Kindle store, which means, if you change the default Kindle store from Germany to US, you will not be able to buy books from Germany Kindle store.

You don’t need to worry about the quality problem, as far as I know, no matter where you buy a Kindle, as long as from official Amazon store, they all have the same quality guarantee.

In this way, you can have a wider range when you want to buy a Kindle. Considering the currency exchange rate, buying Kindle from Japanese Amazon is much cheaper than US Amazon, and you just need to change the default store language.

However you should know you can’t benefit the warranty in US if this Kindle is bought from Japan.