Can webpages be saved to be viewed later on Kindle?


I like reading from the internet. But I heard that Kindle is not good at surfing internet.
Is there any way to “push” web pages and then read them later on Kindle?

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Asked on April 21, 2015 9:03 am
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Yes of course you can do it.

But you need other apps like Instapaper or Pocket.

I personally use Pocket as I prefer its interface, you can use some IFTTT recipes to push the internet articles which saved in Pocket to your Kindle.

Or you can read this guide:, it introduces a web app to make the job easier.

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Posted by Anonymous (Questions: 121, Answers: 112)
Answered on April 21, 2015 9:04 am
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    Attach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: []

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